Saturday, February 14, 2009

Diener & Diener

Last week I went to Tokyo Opera City to see an exhibition from Switzerland entitled "The House and The City : Architecture by Diener & Diener" . The exhibition was extremely impressive.

In many cases, an architectural exhibition focuses not only on architecture but architects. They try to show the character of their design and how they differ form other architects up to their latest project. In the actual building, they also try to realize their own design, by making it different from the surroundings. Because of the architect's trend, their works become a unique place in the town and, in some cases, prove to be controversial

I think Diener & Diener's approach to architecture is completely different from other architects. In the exhibition Diener & Diener showed us a lot of large scale site models. Those models included not only their projects but a lot of the surroundings. I was surprised to see those models, because Diener & Diener didn't try to differentiate their project from the surrounding buildings in those models. At first glance, I couldn't see their works. I guess many other architects did their very best to make their project stand out in the same situation. I could sense some kind of modesty from those.

In the exhibition, Diener & Diener showed us not only models but a lot of photos of their works. In the actual buildings, their works were also not easy to find at a glance, because they fitted in with the surroundings. I could see that they carefully designed their buildings to create good harmony with the surrounding buildings.

Architects always try to create new designs that people have never seen before with avidity and, in many cases, new design means new shape. So architects look for new materials, new structures and new technology. I like new design and I hope for the opportunity to realize a design that people have never seen before. But Diener & Diener have shown me that it is possible to create impressive architecture without a new shape.

In the exhibition, their works looked very interesting, however we can't evaluate architecture properly until see it for ourselves. Now I aspire to see it for myself.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Architecture and eco-friendly

4 months ago, I took a 5 day vacation and went to Yakushima. At Yakushima, my idea about architecture and eco-friendly had dramatically changed.

Yakushima is known for cedar named Yaku-sugi that have stood for over a millennium. And there are many high mountains. I planed 2 days climbing, 1st day to went to Zyoumon-sugi that is oldest Yaku-sugi(7200 years old) and stay in a mountain hut. On the second day I went to Miyanoura-dake(1936m higt) that is the highest mountain in Yakushima.

Unfortunately 1st day was rainy day. I woke up at 4 am and started to clim at 6 am. About 11 am I reached Zyoumon-sugi. In my plan it takes 1 hour form Zyoumon-sugi to the mountain hut. But I lost my way to the hut. Looking back, when I realized that I lost my way, If I coolly checked my map I could back to Zyoumon-sugi less than 2 hours. But I could't. Because this was the my first time to climb. And I climbed alone. So, I panikced. Because of panic I was lost in the more deep woods and finally I had to sleep rough. Fortunately next morning the weather was fine and I managed to came back.

Through this experience I have strongly felt how weak humankind is and how important flat floors and strong roof are for humankind. Living in a city We have no doubt about our surroundings. However, surroundings filled with artificial things like city is only a very small part of the earth and we can't survive without these modern luxuries. When I slept rough, what I really needed was a flat floor to sleep with my legs stretch out and a strong roof to shelter me from the rain. I felt those two things were the beginning of of architecture.

Thinking about my room, there are many kind of equipments, lights, air conditioner, kitchen, shower and so on. This is a far cry from our beginnings. People believed these are the bare necessities of life. But I think these are much more than enough. These days we need to carefully consider the influence humankind has one the earth. We should realize that we can't live comfortably without modern luxuries and reconsider what is really need for our lives.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Japanese houses 3

In the last 2 articles I told you about the present situation regarding Japanese houses and their origin. This time, I would like to write my hopes for the future of Japanese houses.

Until 50 years ago, people had only a few choices about the construction of their own new house, because every area had it's own construction way and materials. There were many limitations to the design. But because of this , there was good unity in the townscape.

These days, we have so many choices about the construction of our new houses. With the advancement of technology, We can choose any structure, any material and any color we want. I think, because of this increment of choices, the unity has disappeared and the townscape has became confused.

I understand people's desire to realize their own ideal house. However, in some cases their choice is good for their house but not good for their town. I believe to follow the architectural law is not enough. Each town has it's own unspoken rules about design and unity. To follow the local rules is most important, but in many towns, people only care about their own house. But I hope some day, people have more active discussions about their town design and try to realize their ideal townscape.